Can I Break a Copier Lease?
A question we often hear is “can I break a copier lease?” This question makes a lot of sense, especially if your company, church or non-profit is saddled with a scary high copier bill each month. The short answer is generally no, but this doesn’t mean there is no wiggle room to negotiate.
If you have your maintenance and your equipment on the same bill, generally breaking the lease is more difficult because the copier dealer is allowed to finance up to 125% of the lease’s value which means they get paid up front by the leasing company, which means they will not be too eager to help.
One thing to check with your local attorney is whether you can be charged on a service contract where no service is being performed. If this is the case for you because you are returning the copier early, you could possibly reduce your costs by making sure you aren’t paying for the service after you already returned the copier.
Ultimately the returning the copier because you feel you were taken advantage of questions varies based on the details. If you would like to chat about where you are with your copier lease, feel free to contact us today!
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