Buying a Copier or Leasing One – A Tough Call
For many businesses, one of the biggest decisions regarding office equipment is the decision to either lease or buy the equipment. In addition, there are positives and negatives to leasing or buying any office equipment. Therefore, the decision to lease or buy office equipment should be based on the specific situation for each business. One of the items of office equipment that is leased most often is the office copier. For businesses that are considering leasing an office copier, there are several advantages to leasing an office copier, which include:
1.Leasing an office copier can save businesses significant money instead of actually purchasing the copier. Especially with Sec 179 benefits for hardware.
2.The money spent on a lease can be spread over a period of time that will reduce the money needed initially for an office copier.
3.Generally with a lease, a service agreement is included that provides free service calls and covers the cost of major parts.
4.Office copiers are used heavily on a daily basis. As a result, office copiers tend to have a short lifespan or breakdown constantly. With a lease agreement, businesses can simply have another office copier delivered to replace the copier that was utilized previously because the copiers are not their responsibility.
Businesses both small and large can benefit from leasing an office copier. There are numerous advantages to leasing an office copier, and every business should consider leasing an office copier instead of purchasing an office copier. However, every business situation is different, so all businesses should make the decision to lease or buy an office copier based on their specific business situation.